Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting our website and online shop!
Because privacy is important to us, please read the following short brochure.
We collect and treat personal data in accordance with the applicable Hungarian law.
Direct marketing messages and newsletters are sent only with your prior approval. System messages can be sent without prior approval.
Your data are stored as safely as possible.
Personal information to third parties are only passed with your contribution.
Anyone can get information about the data we store about him/her when requested in writing at email address.
The deletion of personal data can be requested on the same e-mail address.
The privacy policy of Multifelt Factory Kft. is available at Our company reserves the right to change this information.
We notify our customers of any changes in time on and if you have questions in connection with this policy, please write to us, and our staff will answer your questions.
Contact points:
Address: Multifelt Factory Kft. 9730 Kőszeg, Rőti völgy 3., Hungary
Tel.: +36 30 253 1064, +36 20 539 2236,

Collection, use and storage of personal data
You can visit our webshop without entering personal data. Entering your personal information becomes necessary only for the purpose of fulfilling orders initiated by you. The personal information you provide are used only for the order fulfillment and execution of the contract, including data transmission to third parties. Personal data will be erased immediately after the cancellation of registration, except those that are stored in order to meet accounting and tax obligations. You can request the deletion of your personal data in writing:
- snail mail: Multifelt Factory Kft. 9730 Kőszeg, Rőti völgy 3., Hungary
- email:
We must preserve your personal data along with the financial records after the purchase for 8 years.

Data transmission
The personal data necessary for the delivery, such as name, shipping address, phone number, in case of cash on delivery the amount to be paid, will be transmitted to the courier company, in this case GLS parcel services (hereinafter referred to as GLS). GLS deletes your data after receipt of the package immediately.
In case of credit card payment, data required for payment processing, such as: name, shipping address, telephone number, amount paid, are forwarded to the bank we have contracted. For credit card payments we contracted OTP Mobile Ltd. (1093, Közraktár u. 30-32.) "Simple Pay" payment system (hereinafter referred to as Simple Pay). On the credit card payment page of OTP Mobile Ltd. additional information may be required (eg. Credit card number), please refer to the information available on Simple Pay ( website.

Our website uses Facebook social networking community plugins, operated by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94 304 USA. The plugins are marked as follows: Facebook logo or "Facebook Social Plugin". An overview of the Facebook plugins can be found here:
When you visit a page of our website that contains such a plugin, your browser connects directly to the Facebook servers. The content of the plugin is transferred directly to Facebook and is integrated into the page. With this integration, Facebook receives the information that you have accessed a specific page of our website even if you do not have Facebook profile or not logged on to Facebook. This information (including your IP address) will be sent directly from your browser to a Facebook server and stored there.
If you are logged in to Facebook, Facebook can assign directly our website to your Facebook profile. If you contact the plugin e.g. you press the "Like" ( "Like" button), or make a comment, this information will be sent directly to a Facebook server and will be stored there. The information appears in your Facebook profile, and can be sent to Facebook friends. The Facebook privacy policy can be found at:
If you do not want that Facebook send data gathered on our website directly to your Facebook profile, you need to log out of Facebook before you visit our website. Or you can use a "Facebook Blocker" e.g.
You have the right to get information about the data stored about you and to request to correct, block or delete the data.
Data management happens on the website, so the data management is controlled by the Facebook policies: (, (

Complaints Management
You can make a complaint against the data controller to the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information:
Nemzeti Adatvédelmi és Információszabadság Hatóság
1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/C., Hungary
Address: 1530 Budapest, PostafiĂłk: 5., Hungary
Tel: +36 -1-391-1400
Fax: +36-1-391-1410

Applicable Law
When writing our policy we took the following acts into account:
• 2011. CXII. act
• 2001. CVIII. act
• 2008. XLVII. act
• 2008. XLVIII. act
• 2005. XC. act
• 2003. C. act

Multifelt Factory Kft.
9730 Kőszeg, Rőti völgy 3.
Tel.: +36 30 253 1064, +36 20 539 2236,
Dear (prospective) customer! If you have read this far, we can only congratulate to you for your endurance!
Enjoy shopping in our webshop!
Your Multifelt team
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